Health & Wellness, Lifestyle

The most Persuasive People use These Methods to Achieve their Great Wishes

The most Persuasive People use These Methods to Achieve their Great Wishes

Everyone has hundreds, even thousands of wishes ranging from the smallest to big wishes. Some wishes come to mind daily, wishes that you don’t realize are automatically fulfilled. These desires include eating, drinking, and even breathing air. You don’t even think about it, you just fulfill these wishes because they are necessary.

There are other types of wishes that are remarkable and that are still easy to fulfill. You may want many wishes that are relatively easy to achieve if you take action. Desires at this level may include, for example, asking that special someone out for the first time or getting the job you want. These wishes require a bit of effort to accomplish.

There are some things you can do to change your mindset to another, which will allow you not only to believe that these wishes are achievable, but you will also have methods to start the process of attracting these wishes to yourself and making them come true.

Methods to achieve your great wishes

To be responsible

When you have goals, it will feel less if you don’t discuss them with other people. For this reason, we can now use something called a mentor or coach. One of the significant things about them (mentors or coaches) is that they keep us accountable. They remind us to stay consistent and focus on achieving goals.

With them, we can discuss, ask and answer questions, and get suggestions about goals. The opinions of others will give us a new perspective on what needs to be prioritized, planned, and which goals are ready to be implemented. When we are in a difficult situation, usually we will panic and be confused, but with a mentor or coach, we can learn more to control our emotions and be confident because they will support us.

Put yourself in a suitable environment

As important as the people you surround yourself with is the environment around you. This means that if you desire to be a writer and blogging for a living, then you need to learn as much as possible about blogging, how to get traffic to your website, how to write or write better, and how to work on the internet with others.

The same is true if you want to open your own business and become a millionaire. You have to learn everything you can about the business niche you want to enter and surround yourself with people related to the area.

The reasons to surround yourself with a suitable environment are not only to learn, or to create your network of contacts, but to help you keep your desire more and more alive. If you do not maintain a strong desire you will surely fail.


One way to avoid feeling overwhelmed because of goals that must be achieved, we set which ones are priorities. Starting from the urgent to the not urgent. The more we reduce the burden on our thoughts, the less likely negative things will affect us.

We have to reach this goal first and then complete the other goals. The more often we meet goals that are urgent and continue to be resolved; it is as if we are in installmentso achieve higher wishes. Often we like to be scared first because the deadline is near and the goal has not been reached. This will only stress you out! Therefore, it is important to estimate a time, not a date that is too specific to reach a goal.


As humans, we are born with a natural desire to know more, do more, and also explore something foreign, which has never been touched in our lives. All of these needs will be our provisions in developing ourselves. Everyone has the desire to be successful, want to be better than he is now, etc. And to achieve higher goals, we need to determine how we can achieve all the goals that have been set for every part of life.

If we don’t set goals, then we will lose direction, commitment, and focus to achieve goals. So what we need to remember is to set goals, ripen, formulate strategies to achieve them, and then take action!

Final words

In fact, achieving higher wishes takes time. Not everything that has been planned will go the way you want. Our wishes are a form of expression of all the hopes that we dream of in life. Nothing is impossible if we believe we can achieve it. So, are you ready to start right away?

Happy practicing!