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How many Steps do you Have to Walk a day to Stay Healthy?

How many steps do you have to walk a day to stay healthy?

Everyone has heard the news that it is necessary to take 10 thousand steps a day for a healthy life. So is there any research behind this goal?

Many people measure the number of steps they take per day through smartphones, pedometers, or mobile phone apps and feel good when they reach the goal of 10,000 steps. There is no shortage of arguments that these step counters do not always show correctly.

Walking daily is one of the best solutions to keep your tummy under control. That moving is a powerful weapon against the accumulation of fat is a fact. But what does not seem to be so clear is how much you have to walk a day to stay in shape. But walking is not just walking, so it is convenient to know, in detail, what activity is the most suitable for you and, above all, how you can face it so that it brings you the maximum benefits.

If you bet on an active lifestyle, according to the World Health Organization you should walk 10,000 steps every day.

Benefits of walking 10,000 steps every day 

If you are in good health and want to stay healthy for many years, you should take a walk without hiding behind excuses. Whether you are tired or not have time, even if the weather is cold or it rains, even if you are a working person, be sure to move your body by walking at least during your lunch break, this will benefit you. 

Our metabolism has a structure designed to take at least 10,000 steps a day. Otherwise, there is a high probability of adverse situations in terms of your health. If you are afraid of living badly and aging, you must take at least 10,000 steps a day. You should take at least 10,000 steps a day to avoid problems such as obesity, unhealthy diet, heart obstructions, heart ailments, shortness of breath, and stomach ailments.

Try to increase your goal and take 10,000 steps a day if you want to stay healthy. Know that the 10,000 step range is far more than a “wellness gain”; it is an excellent natural remedy. Over 10,000 is a great standard.

Practical solutions

The World Health Organization is committed to 2 and a half hours a week to protect your heart. That is, you don’t have to look for a kneecap and tendon spare parts store in your neighborhood, all is not lost. What is clear is that the only way to stay perhaps not as fit as healthy is to move as much as possible.

The old trick of getting off a bus stop earlier, climbing stairs, and not being so comfortable is ideal so that when you are older you begin to notice its consequences. Walking is the cheapest and easiest sport to do that exists so do not hesitate to practice it as much as possible.

Consequences of sedentary life

If you are one of those who get out of bed, go to study or work, come back at 8 o’clock, and sit down to watch TV. You have to know that your body will not take too long to give you the first warning. If you also bet on a diet rich in fat and sugar, your body will leave a note on the nightstand and it will disappear before you continue to slaughter it in such a way.

The most curious benefits of walking

Apart from improving blood circulation and helping you have a better image, walking stimulates your brain in a very positive way. It makes you more optimistic, helps you develop your imagination, relaxes you, and can even help you find the solution to many of your problems.

Walking daily for 30 to 60 minutes is not so much a matter of statistics as health. Take it as one more need that you must cover. So, you know, choose suitable and comfortable footwear, but the bus or the subway aside and do not hesitate to take a walk every day.

Only in this way will you ensure that your health is the most appropriate and that in a few years you can have an enviable quality of life.

Final words

Living healthy is no longer a luxury, but an obligation … The important thing for this is regular exercise and a healthy diet, but the most important sports activity for individuals working in offices that get up very early in the morning and return to their home in the evening is walking. Regular walking is very important.