Health & Wellness, Lifestyle

Suggestions to Boost Your Brain When it doesn’t Work 

Suggestions to Boost Your Brain When it doesn’t Work 

In the life of each of us, there are moments of difficulty, failure, and loss. It is like things and, however hard we try, these circumstances are often inevitable. Believe me, they are both afraid of not making it, but when faced with it, they react very differently. Your brain determines how you think, how you feel, how you act, how you behave towards other people. In fact, your brain determines what kind of person you are; how thoughtful, polite, or rude… It is the brain that regulates your private and professional life, determines your emotional state and your relationships.

Burnout is a very real challenge that we face as web professionals. The same processes that help us complete projects

The brain is actually a more complex system than you think. Just thinking that you have 1 million nerve cells in your brain and that each nerve cell is interconnected is enough to understand how complex a computer it is. In fact, the connections between your brain cells are even greater than the number of stars in the universe! Here we will tell you some suggestions to boost your brain when it doesn’t work.

  • Follow a Mediterranean diet

More and more experts are recommending adopting the Mediterranean diet as a model of healthy nutrition. Thus, foods such as extra virgin olive oil, vegetables, fruits, fish, eggs, and cereals are essential. Salt, animal fats, sugar, and convenience foods should be avoided as much as possible.

  • Get your brain cells to run

Studies show that people who exercise physically have a healthier brain. Experts for Biological Studies found twice as many new brain cells in the learning and memory center of the brains of exercising subjects. Although experts have not been able to pinpoint the reason for this, they say the stress-reducing effect of exercise may be significant. When you are reluctant to exercise, you can increase your motivation by thinking that exercise makes you “smarter”.

  • Exercise your brain

It’s not just physical activity that stimulates your brain cells, brain exercises help. Just as a movement you haven’t done before is working your muscles that didn’t work, activities such as seeing the world from a different angle and thinking also enable your brain to exercise. For this, you can try new flavours and smells, try to do something using your unused hand, try new ways on the way to work, and be interested in arts; In short, you can activate the brain cells that you do not use with mental activities that you do not always do.

  • Control of hypertension

It is advisable to keep hypertension under medical control and to carry out periodic controls of blood pressure, especially if it is high, and even if it is being controlled with treatment.

  • Give up tobacco

One of the factors that we must avoid to maintain a healthy brain is smoking. Eliminating this habit from our life is highly advisable to prevent numerous diseases.

  • Get moderate exercise every day

Simply adopt a simple exercise routine every day, such as going for a brisk 30-minute walk, going to the gym, playing sports, or doing an exercise plan in the park. If your pace of life forces you to go up and down, you can do it by walking and take advantage of these trips to invest in your health. Housework, DIY, dancing, or playing with kids also adds up to daily physical activity time.

  • Take care of your emotional well-being

Emotional well-being is essential to have a calm and balanced life as possible. At the same time, it is convenient to treat depressions adequately and take the necessary medical and psychological control.

  • Maintain intellectual activity

A high cognitive reserve can be a good ally to maintain a healthy brain and resist the effects. For this, it is important to keep our minds stimulated with activities that pose little challenges. One of the most recognized activities is reading. Everything that involves learning and acquiring new knowledge will also favour our cognitive activity, be it taking cooking classes or learning a language or musical instrument.

  • Cultivate relationships

Another fundamental part of brain health has to do with social relationships. Talking with people and keeping up to date helps to have a young brain. We must try to spend time with our loved ones and maintain contact and relationship with friends and neighbours. Participating in associations, clubs or volunteering can also help to establish new relationships.


These are effective ways and suggestions to boost your brain when it doesn’t work that will play a fundamental role in times when the fear of not making it will be felt. Living fully does not mean not having problems but having the skills to overcome them. Start from an ideal day and repeat them several times.